Reiki for pets is ideal for use with animals because it is gentle and noninvasive. It doesn’t cause stress, discomfort, or pain, and yet yields powerful results. Animals respond intuitively to Reiki’s power to heal emotional, behavioral, and physical illnesses and injuries.
For pets who are healthy, Reiki helps to maintain their health, enhances relaxation and provides an emotional sense of peace and contentment.
For pets who are ill, Reiki is a wonderful healing method as well as a safe complement to Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, flower essences, and all other forms of healing. For example, Reiki can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, support an acupuncture treatment, and enhance the effects of flower essences and other healing methods, both holistic and allopathic.
For dying pets, Reiki is a powerful yet gentle way to provide comfort, relief from pain, fear, and anxiety, and to ease the transition to death.
During a session with your beloved pet, I will use my hands to direct a gentle, natural flow of healing energy into your pet’s body in order to bring about deep relaxation and release tension or pain. I do not need to place my hands directly on the animal; the energy can be transferred from a short distance or even remotely with a distance healing session. It usually feels like a warm, soothing sensation to the animal.